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FAA L830 Transformer Qualification

4.2.1 Characteristics Test

All measurements were within specification as shown in the following table.

Measured Values for Sample #
Unit 1 2 3 Specification
Primary Voltage Rated Load Volts AC 34.8 34.81 34.82 --
Primary Current Rated Load Amperes AC 6.6 6.6 6.6 6.6
Secondary Voltage Rated Load Volts AC 32.1 32.12 32.08 --
Secondary Current Rated Load Amperes AC 6.563 6.565 6.561 6.53 - 6.67
Efficiency Rated Load % 92 91.78 91.57 Minimum 90
Load Resistance Ohms 4.877 4.877 4.877 4.82
Secondary Voltage Open Circuited Volts AC 55.79 56.43 55.83 Maximum 100
Secondary Current Short Circuited Amperes AC 6.671 6.654 6.661 6.6 - 7.1
Power Factor % 99.4 99.5 99.4 Minimum 95