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FAA L830 Transformer Qualification

4.2.2 Shock Test. The sample transformers shall be dropped twice from a
height of 6 feet (2 meters) on a smooth hardware floor; once so they hit on
a bottom corner or location where the most damage is likely to occur due to
the core cutting into the case, and once so they hit on a side or location
where the most damage is likely to occur to the windings. Lead rigidity
shall be tested by securing (just below the connector) each lead one at a
time, in a clamp fastened to a support, elevated a distance in excess of the
length of leads and then releasing the transformers for a free fall from the
clamp elevation. The lead clamp used shall be such as to not cause damage
to the lead at the point of attachment. After the completion of these
tests, the transformers shall be tested to insure that they meet the secondary
current requirements at rated load. A change of more than one percent from
the results obtained in the test specified in paragraph 4.2.1 or evidence of
damage to the case and attaching leads shall be cause for rejection.